Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In the Beginning...

We have arrived, ready to make our presence felt as part of the online community. Oh man, just typing that out feels a little bit odd. An online community? Give me a break. But here we are, nonetheless.

Really, this has been a long process for us. We (Ben and Dave) have been talking about starting a blog for the past two years. Last week we decided to kick it into gear and get this thing going. After three different deadlines ("Let's have a name for it by Tuesday. Ok, by Friday. Better make it Monday.") and a countless amount of possible names (still mourning "Pillow Talk"), allow us to introduce you to...

"The Pub House Porch"

We think there's a great story behind the name of our blog, but I'll let Ben fill you in on that one. At this point, you're probably asking yourself, "what should I expect?". Good question. And, really, we don't have a good answer. We're asking ourselves the exact same question. Probably, we'll just write about what we're experiencing and thinking.

Here is a short list of things you'll probably read about:

We like to think, and talk, and explore, and write. In some way, this is an effort to invite you into what we're thinking about, talking about, and exploring.

We live in Kansas City, and we love it. Expect entries about this city. Its people, its places, its history, its food, its good, its bad, and, yes, its sports.

Of course, like any good blog, you'll get your fair share of "I'm sitting here at _______ Coffee Shop, thinking about _______." Isn't that the point of a blog? To relay the happenings at the local cafe? Expect multiple entries from and about coffee shops.

...And then there's you, the reader. We want to make our "online community" a community. The intention here is not just to keep us thinking and writing, but to invite our readers into this little thing we have started. That means guest bloggers, comments, conversations, and suggestions. So, if you have something you'd like to write about or hear our thoughts on, send us an email: thepubhouseporch@gmail.com.


1 comment:

  1. Harry: I don't get it, Lloyd. She told me ten o' clock, sharp! Are you sure you went to the right bar?
    Lloyd: Yep. I'm pretty sure. Lobby bar right by the lobby.
    Lloyd: Maybe she just had a change of heart.
    Harry: Oh, that pisses me off! That pisses me right off! I hate when women do that. She wanted to see you again! And now no? Now... Wait a minute! Wait! She must have meant ten o' clock at night!
    Lloyd: Do you think...?
    Harry: Why would she have you meet her in a bar at ten in the morning?
    Lloyd: I just figured she was a raging alcoholic.
